Thursday, January 15, 2009


Say it with me, now! R-E-M-I-S-S-I-O-N!
No visible leukemia in my bones says my oncologist. So a word of thanks to everyone who prayed and kept good thoughts for me during my hospitalization. Whatever it was, it worked! Thank you all.

Now what?

Well, No visible leukemia ain't good enough. The genetic code to make the bad stuff may still be hanging out in the cells. So guess what? More Chemo!
Starting on the 26th I travel to HUP 5 days a week for a little arsenic. After 5 weeks I get a little break. And then another 5 weeks of arsenic to clean me out again. There will be a third round of the nasty stuff I just had later on, with the whole process finishing in June.

But for now, we celebrate!

R-E-M-I-S-S-I-O-N !


TStew said...

OH YEA!!! That is some fantastic news my friend!

Anonymous said...


trillsie said...

That is one of the most beautiful words I've heard!!

jgooch said...

Wow,Great Dave!

So good to hear your home! Been thinking about you.

Hope to talk to you soon!


Unknown said...


A sweeter word was never heard, written or spoken. Let's say it again just because it looks and sounds beautiful... REMISSION!!!!!

Fantastic! Forever Forward!!

Bil Katrina