Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Falling Out Of The Dream Cycle

After you fall out of working life and before you fall out of the middle class, you fall out of what I call the dream cycle. All the dreams you have, “I’d love to retire to…”, “I’d love to sail my boat in…”,”When I finish my book, I’d love to…”, seem to fade away. Replacing them are survival dreams. “I want to see my kids grow up.” “I want to make it through chemo.” “I want to make it through the year.”
Despite my strong positive prognosis, one thing the disease robs you of is certainty. Before leukemia, I was going to live forever. I had all the time in the world. There was no reason to hurry. The disease removes that arrogance pretty quickly.

It leaves the small dreams.

Everything else relies on the big dream: Permanent Remission.

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