Tuesday, February 3, 2009

$ 435,499.00... and counting.

31 Days of Room & Board
834 Doses of Medication
118 Labs
14 Pathology Labs
26 Radiology Services
6 Surgical Procedures
112 Blood Analyses
4 Doses of Anesthesia
5 "Therapy" ?
3 Diagnostic Procedures
4 Recovery Room Charges

Total Charges
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania:   $435,499.00
Leukemia In Remission: Priceless

Don't have Health Insurance?  Save your pennies.


Unknown said...

Wow Dave! I just found out about your kerfuffle. I'm thrilled that you're now home, feeling better and that you've kept your sense of humor throughout. The Pratt's are pulling for you and I hope to see you and your hair again soon. All the best.


Ellyn said...

I do read and share. Love to read what you are thinking about the world now that you have changed the location of your deck chair. The view from Alabama via CNN and the New York Times is a bit Chicken Little. What do you think?

Linda S. Silberman said...

Oh David...It is a small price to pay for your life! You are loved!!!

JR said...

How was the care? That's all that matters. You're alive and doing much better. That's why you have insurance. I'll take it over Rationalized Healthcare anyday.

Keep up the good fight.