Thursday, April 16, 2009

You Gotta Love The Funny

My son Cooper and I tease each other with brutal regularity. The other day when I told him he couldn’t do something, he reminded that I was an awful Dad and he hated me. He did so with a smile on his face. Per my programming, I immediately jumped into “Guilt” mode.

“Hmmm. I wonder who it was that asked you to list all the fun things you want to do this summer so we don’t miss anything? I wonder who it was who helped you with your latest project? I wonder who it was who let you use my laptop to look at that video on YouTube?”

“Who was that? Was that the Easter Bunny? Was that Santa Claus?”

Without a beat he replied, “Well I knew it was one of the two fat men who give me things.”

Sometimes you gotta look past the disrespect and just love the Funny.


Linda S. Silberman said...

It sounds like the acorn fell at the foot of the tree!

Kevin McG said...

Cooper is a trouper! That's some good parenting.